3: FF Ep1: How TripActions Liquid is Solving Expense Management

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson
August 31, 2022

How is TripActions Liquid giving employees the best travel experience possible? Meet Michael Sindicich, the GM taking his time to create frictionless solutions.

Welcome to the first episode of The Fintech Factor, the podcast exploring cutting-edge Fintech companies, and what their point of differentiation looks like.

Host Alex Johnson and Michael, GM of TripActions Liquid, get into how his company is automating the whole expense management process, what makes TripActions Liquid different from other products in the space, and the years it took to get the business model just right.

You’ll also hear how a travel company can survive a pandemic and Michael’s hot take on why you should charge for a better product, even when your competitors are offering it for free.

Follow Michael:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/michael-sindicich-97513879

Sign up for Alex’s Fintech Takes newsletter for the latest insightful analysis on fintech trends, along with a heaping pile of pop culture references and copious footnotes. Every Monday and Thursday: https://workweek.com/brand/fintech-takes/

Follow Alex: 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alexhjohnson

Twitter: twitter.com/AlexH_Johnson

Alex is a Workweek friend, working together to produce amazing podcasts. Find out more, visit: http://www.workweek.com

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson