4: Exploring Payroll Connectivity – How Argyle is Redefining Income & Employment Verification, with Shmulik Fishman

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson
April 25, 2023

In this special, four-part series, Fintech Takes’ Alex Johnson explores payroll connectivity from a lending, mortgage, and emerging technology perspective. 


In part one, Alex sits down with Argyle founder and CEO Shmulik Fishman to dissect the evolution of the modern payroll and discover how payroll connectivity companies like Argyle are pushing the boundaries of data sharing between consumers and businesses.


They also chat about the role of data privacy in payroll systems, why businesses are slowly shifting away from the reliance on Equifax for information, and the importance of the consumer experience in payroll connectivity technology. 


Plus, find out why Shmulik is all in favor of deleting the pay stub. 


Sign up for Alex’s Fintech Takes newsletter for the latest insightful analysis on fintech trends, along with a heaping pile of pop culture references and copious footnotes. Every Monday and Thursday: https://workweek.com/brand/fintech-takes/


Follow Alex: 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alexhjohnson

Twitter: twitter.com/AlexH_Johnson


Follow Shmulik:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shmulik/

Personal Website: https://shmulikfishman.com


Do more for less with Argyle.


Power the digital experiences that drive performance across the customer journey with industry-leading payroll coverage. Automate income verifications, seamlessly fund bank assets, and leverage real-time work to enhance products. 


Sign up today and start building your business.


Go to https://argyle.com for more information.



0:00 Intro

2:40 Payroll Data Connectivity

6:15 What is Payroll Data?

9:44 Challenges of Collecting Payroll Data

12:30 Data Privacy in Payroll

17:51 Moving Away From Equifax

20:56 The Consumer Payroll Experience

26:27 The Lending Perspective

31:32 Friction and Self Selection

34:36 Building Coverage

38:59 Conversion Rates

40:50 Read and Write Access

45:36 Regulatory Support           

48:09 Looking into the Future

50:45 Future Episode Tease

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson