S4 Ep10: BNC: Why Fintech Can’t Get Charters, Compliance Expectations, Defining Risky Deposits

Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson
September 13, 2023

Get ready for another deep dive into the world of banking and fintech with this month’s “Bank Nerd Corner” with the brilliant Kiah Haslett, the banking and fintech editor at Bank Director. 

In this episode, Kiah and Alex are diving into the challenges of defining unsecured deposits before tackling Alloy’s latest benchmark report, which revealed the compliance expectations from various fintech companies. 

Why can’t Fintech companies get charters? And is doing the bare minimum when it comes to compliance actually a positive thing when it comes to running your fintech company? 

And in this week’s “Wait… But Why???” segment, Alex and Kiah debate why everyone can’t just agree on what an uninsured deposit is. Then, stay tuned to find out what’s really irking Kiah this week and the answer (or non-answer) to an unanswerable question.


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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaslett/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/khaslett


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Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson